EU projects as an important element of the company's development
Company BOEM in recent years repeatedly successfully was made requests for funding from the European Union projects strengthening the company's competitiveness in the market. Obtained funds allocated for investment projects as well as those that lead to increase the competence of employees.
Currently, the project is implemented training co-funded by the European Union under the European Social Fund pn. "Human capital of the XXI century". Acquired for the project from the Operational Programme Human Capital funding over seven hundred thousand. The main objective of the project is to increase the competitiveness of the company BOEM by implementing a package of training for employees. The training will involve all employees, nearly 250 people. And so, in the project we offer our employees training such as .: Effective communication within the company as well as specialized training professionals - technical, for example: Optimization of production - LEAN management and Reading and the creation of technical documentation and technology. For top management consultancy planned to allow diagnosis of managers and their positions in the company, which will allow for the optimization of their positions and specialized training, such as coaching and Intermentoring way to long-term development of the company. The project for everyone courses of English language. In previous years, we obtained funds from the European Union under the Regional Operational Programme of the West Pomeranian for 2007-2013 for the implementation of the following projects:
- "Poland's first fully robotic production line for waste collection containers at the plant BOEM Mirosławice, the introduction of an integrated system in the country of collection"
- "Documentation technological and environmental investments in the region to build the first galvanizing plant effluent-free based on the Polish Patent and PN-EN ISO 1461 at BOEM Mirosławice"
- "The implementation of an environmental management system according to PN-EN ISO 14001 basis to maximize the effectiveness of the BOEM"
In addition, in 2007/2008 the company has completed two projects supported through the European Union money. The first project, implemented in the framework of the "Union for Enterprising" through which you purchased the laser cutting center, has implemented a computerized management system has been launched production and laboratory. The new equipment allowed the implementation of new products and services offered by the company:
- Shelters for biogas generators
- Automatic containers for waste segregation
- Laboratory tests in the field of metrology metal parts
The second project, implemented under the sub-measure "Support for enterprises making new investments" Sectorial Operational Program - Improvement of the Competitiveness of Enterprises: "Innovative technological line for container production by recycled materials BOEM in Trzebiatow."